
Spotlight: Online Equality Watch

As part of our mission to expose deceptive information practices, The American Sunlight Project, Equality Now, Moonshot, Center for Countering Digital Hate, Brightlines, Missing Perspectives, Check My Ads, Vital Voices, and partnered to launch Online Equality Watch, a coalition that will document and mitigate technology-facilitated gender- and identity-based violence against women in politics, educate the public about its harm, and encourage lawmakers to actively reject it once and for all.


Through rigorous open-source research, ASP exposes the coordinated anti-democratic efforts to manipulate the American information environment. Click below to access our research reports.


The American Sunlight Project engages regularly with members of Congress, the administration, the media, and other private entities to provide expertise on potential solutions to our disinformation challenges.


ASP conducts a broad array of efforts to educate the American public on the threat of disinformation. To see a full list of our media engagements, please visit our media page.