
The American Sunlight Project is increasing the cost of lies that undermine democracy.

In an era of unprecedented information threats — from artificial intelligence to foreign interference to individuals sharing false or misleading information for power or profit — The American Sunlight Project is mobilizing to ensure that citizens have access to trustworthy sources to inform the choices they make in their daily lives.

We focus our work in three areas:


Expose deceptive information practices and the networks and money that drive them.


Educate the public about the threats we face and the effects of disinformation on society.


Engage with policymakers to return truth to our national discourse.


Through rigorous open-source research, ASP exposes the coordinated anti-democratic efforts to manipulate the American information environment.

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The American Sunlight Project engages regularly with elected officials and other entities to provide expertise on potential solutions to our disinformation challenges.

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The American Sunlight Project undertakes a broad array of efforts to educate the American public and other international partners on the threat of disinformation.

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If you are the subject of false attacks, are facing a Congressional or federal investigation, or are being otherwise harmed for telling the truth and upholding the public good, we want to help you find legal representation.

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The Online Equality Watch (OEW), led by ASP and key partners, works to combat technology-facilitated gender-based violence and disinformation targeting women in politics, advocating for accountability and safer digital spaces.

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Online Equality Watch

The Online Equality Watch (OEW) is a groundbreaking coalition led by the American Sunlight Project in partnership with Equality Now, Moonshot, the Center for Countering Digital Hate, Brightlines, Missing Perspectives, Check My Ads, Vital Voices, Pirth.org, Her Bold Move, MyOwn Image, UltraViolet, and WITNESS. Our mission: to combat technology-facilitated gender-based violence and disinformation against women in politics. Learn More.